Tico Rainforest B&B

Hotel category: Stars Stars

Rating: BirdsBirdsBirdsBirds

Country: Costa Rica

Region: Horquetas District, Sarapiquí Canton, Heredia Province

We speak: English, Español

Web site: www.ticorainforest.com


Tico Rainforest is located in the district of Horquetas, is the tenth Canton of the Province of Heredia and is situated in the northern part of the country. It is located on Isla Grande, between Las Horquetas and Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí. From San José: take Route 32 (to Limón) through the Braulio Carillo National Park. When you leave the park, turn left at the large Caribbean bus station, along Route 4 (to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí). After 22 km, you will see the sign "Tico Rainforest B&B" on the right side of the road near a bus stop. Turn left and follow the signs. The little place is called La Chaves.

We have a strategic location since we are within the “Costa Rica´s Birding Hotspots Route”. You can easily move to other sites with different species. In addition, we are next to the Puerto Viejo River that is characterized by its calm and clean waters, special for safaris and in whose route you can observe birds, mammals, and reptiles that adapt to the condition of the river.


Tico Rainforest is a rustic type hostel, designed for easy observation from its large balcony.

Our name Tico (Native of Costa Rica) Rainforest describes our B&B. It is already in a sector of our country characterized by large areas of forest, with a wealth of biodiversity unrivaled in the tropics of the world. We have three acres of wooded garden where microclimatic conditions have been met for the coexistence of 221 species of birds, mammals such as the porcupine, the opossum, the armadillo, the sloth, howler monkey and capuchin monkey, reptiles and amphibians such as the green iguana, the emerald basilisk, the brown basilisk, and frogs, among others. Within 10 minutes of our garden, we also have a representation of 9.75 acres of Tropical Rainforest, a place for hiking observation of biodiversity both day and night.

The wildlife starts at your doorstep and you can observe the birds in their natural environment, either when it is raining or during sunny moments. To start, we offer our B&B service, which is our traditional Costa Rican dish or an American type dish. Any other type of food is available in a private reserve. The HiFi system is available for as long as it remains in the corridors around the house. There are special places where you can gather after the day of bird watching and photography, either to order the photographs, consult our professional plant guide about the different names of the species or simply to enjoy fellowship. There are rooms with fans and others with air conditioning. In addition, there is a campground area for those who wish to spend the night in a more natural condition. The River next door invites bird, mammal and reptile observation expeditions, or if they are more adventurous and like an extreme sport, they also have a professional team to carry out white water rafting in another river sector. With prior reservation, transportation service is provided for any other site of interest within the country.


In Tico Rainforest we try to make the conditions in our Lodge comfortable, but as rustic as possible, that's why we offer double, single or cabin beds, which share the bathroom with hot water. Inside the Lodge, there is a TV room on each floor where there is a TV system through Netflix. In addition, at 150 meters there are 6 more rooms available, each with private bathroom and air conditioning. Here you will find rooms; with beds from king size to single beds, and most rooms have at least 2 beds per room. In all cases soap, shampoo and towels are provided.

Scientific name Name DESCRIPTION
Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper Fairly common W resident along the RP banks´fallen logs, etc: even along open lawn areas of TR region when the river is high.
Amazilia amabilis Blue-chested Hummigbir  
Amazilia tzacatl Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Our most common hummingbird seen daily in all the habitats of the entire area.
Amazona albifrons Red-lored Parrot Large and noisy.  This species is fairly common overhead in small groupsor in pairs.  Out number mealys five to one.  Note: red area in front of eje, shallow wing beats.
Amazona farinosa Mealy Parrot Very large and noisy.  Almost always in pairs.  Can be seen daily flying overhead and with the Red-lored.  Note: bold, pale eye ring, shallow wing beats.
Amblycercus holosericeus Yellow-billed Cacique Resident pairs occupy TR and along QB.  Found low in dense thick growth.  Often working the heliconia flowers on TR.  Note: yellow eyes.
Anhinga anhinga Anhinga Seen occasionally along RP, overhead or perchedin trees along the banks of the river.
Anthracothorax prevostii Green-breasted Mango At least a couple of pairs occupy large territories along ER; and become quite visible when FTs are in boom.
Ara ambiguus Great Green Macaw This rare Macaw  is sporadicin appearance.  Usually showing up several days in a row, then deapperaing for months.  Has been seen most often near the main highway in some old wild almond trees, it´s fvorite food source.
Ara macao Scarlet Macaw One flew over TR in mid December.  This species´ status on the Caribbean slope is unknown.  Certainly very rare.  A few birdsstill seem to inhabitat Northesat Costa Rica.  The bird was seen followingtwo Great Green Macaws.  
Aratinga finschi Crimson-fronted Parakeet Usually passes by TR and ER area several times daily, but like all parrot species,  Abundance depends on availability of FTs.
Aratinga nana Olive-throated Parakeet The least common of the parakeets.  It shows  up a few times a week, but with the FTs, they can be present daily.  Most commonly seen on TR or FE.
Ardea alba Great Egret A pair moves up and down RP daily. Mainly W.
Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron A pair moves up and down RP daily. Mainly W.
Arremon aurantiirostris Orange-billed Sparrow Several pairs occupy TR in shady, dark areas throughout the area.
Arremonops conirostris Black-striped Sparrow Many resident pairs are scattered along ER and FE.  Found along open edges, next to dense growth.  Note: bouncing ball call is heard, commnly, in the morning hours.
Astumia nitida Gray Hawk Probbly a resident judging by call and observations.  Seen a few times weekkly.
Attila spadiceus Bright-rumped Attila At least two resident pairs on TR.  Forage along dense adges and often probes helicinia flowers for insects.
Brotogeris jugularis Orange-chenned Parakeet Most common parakeetin good numbers throughout the day on ER and TR areas.  Note: short painted tail.
Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret Groups of ten to thirty  cruisethe RP at down and dusk and are common anywhere in the area near livestock.
Buteo brachyurous Short-tailed Hawk Resident species usually seen overhead afew times a week.  The dalk phase occurs as well.
Buteo magnirostris Roadside Hawk A resident pair occupies the territory.  Usually seen daily.
Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk Fairly common W.  Can be seen anywhere over the entire area with huge migrant groups passing over from October through November.
Buteo swainsoni Swainson´s Hawk Several were seen with a large migration of Turkey Vultures, 100+, heading north in early March.
Butorides virescens (Green-backed) Green Heron Seen usually along the adge of RP.  Flybyes are present in the general area daily.
Cacicus uropygialis Scarlet-rumped Cacique A family group occupies TR at diffrent times throughout the day and often makes an appearance at FS.  Note: blue eyes, prefers the canopy.
Cairina moschata Muscovy Duck Like above, truly acarce. Can be hard to dintinguish from feral birds.
Campephilus guatemalensis Pale-billed Woodpecker Somewhat of a surprise, a male was seen crussing tree to tree across TR in early January.
Canpylorhynchus zonatus Band-backed Wren A large family group resides on TR.  Closely investigating tree limbs, palms, bromelids, etc.  Present on TR daily.
Capsiempis flaveola Yellow Tyrannulet Resident in shrubby areas along ER and FE, especially along QB.  Uses amall trees and shrubsnext ti open areas adjacent to dense second growth.  Almost always in a pair and sighted often weekly.
Caracara cheriway Crested Caracara Three birds flying over TR were the first checklist territory; however, they have invadednortheaster Costa Rica abouth 3-4 years ago.
Carpodectes nitidus Snowy Cotinga Almost daily this nomadic fruit eater is present throughout the year on TR.  Abundance always depends on FTs.
Caryothraustes poliogaster Black-faced Grosbeak A noisly troop moves across TR a few times  weekly.  Usually in mid to upper canopy.
Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture Overhead almost always throughout the day in small groups.
Celeus castaneus Chestnut-colored Woodpecker Appears a few times a week, usually located by it´s call at down.  Probably resident nearby and uses Tras outside edge of territory.
Celeus loricatus Cinnamon Woodpecker There appears to be a resident pair that use  TR.  Calls heard off and on throughout the day.
Ceryle torquatus Ringed Kingfisher Cruises the PR and is often seen overhead, sometimes surprisingly high.  Usually present daily.
Chaetura cinereiventris Gray-rumped Swift Medium sized group patrol the air all day over TR and general area.
Chloroceryle aenea American Pygmy Kingfisher Rare sighting mainly along QB.  Can be present for several days then dissapears for long periods.  Most common in wet conditions.
Chloroceryle amazona Amazon Kingfisher Out most common Kingfisher, cruises up and down RP throughout the day  and often in pairs.
Chloroceryle americana Green Kingfisher Usually seen along RP daily, only somewhat inconspicuous.
Chlorophanes spiza Green Honeycreeper Moves through the area in accordance with FTs, but is probably present every other day or so.  Will probably discover the FSs.
Claravis pretiosa Blue Ground-Dove Generally incommon along ER and TR, but can be common for periodsof time.  Note: pale yellow bil.
Cochlearius cochlearius Boat-Billed Heron This nocturnal epecies calls at night and is only seen as a silhoustte an hour or two  after dusk.  Passesby nightly.
Coereba floveola Bananaquit Common in the gardens on TR, probing flowers or working many kinds of FTs.
Colonia colonus Long- tailed Tyrant A couple of resident pairs seen in general area.  Usually along ER and often on TR.  Most frequently seen on  trees tops.
Columbina cayennensis Pale- Vented Pigeon The most common large pigeon in the area in usually seen perched in trees or flying overhead.throughout the day.  Note: black bill.
Columbina epeciosa Scaled Pigeon Showsup infrequently, anywhere along ER area, but very sporadic, with few records.  Note: red bill.
Columbina inca Inca Dove An adult male was seen well, up close  for a half an hour and was present for three more hours, then disappeared.  The condition of the bird was impeccable; not like acaged bird.  However, it could well have been a stow-away in a truck  or something from the Pacific Northwest where they´re common.  I´m unsure if this specie is spreading like so many with deforestation.
Columbina talpacoti Ruddy Ground Dove Very common tiny dove usually present along the ER and FE.  Note: dark bill.
Conopias albovittatus White-ringed Flycatcher Medium sized, about 6 ¼ and is the least common of the five. Although probably resident, moves across the territory  and is  seen at least a few times weekly.  Note: like social Flycatcher, but white  on nape extenders completely, larger bill and more brilliant in color.  If the comal crest exposed, the color is yellow.
Contopus cinereus Tropical Pewee Resident TR and FE and general area.  Usually perches fairty low on fence lines, base trees, etc.  Present daily.
Contopus cooperi Olive-Sided Flycatcher One day bird was seen on TR in early april, M.
Coragyps atratus Black Vulture Same as above, but in larger groups and more commun.
Crotophaga sulcirostris Groove-billed Ani Very common along ER and FE.  Lazilyperches on wires, fences, etc.  Usually in smal groups.  Noisy.
Crypturellus soui Little Tinamoe Calls moming and evening from second grown areas near IH. Can be tricky to see well.
Cyanerper cyaneus Red-legged Honeycreeper Pairs or small groups move across TR daily in search of FT and flowers.
Cyanerpes lucidus Shining Honeycreeper Somewhat sporadic, but fairly common when FT area in fruit or flower.  Can show up anywhere in the general area.
Cyanocompsa cyanoides Blue-black Grosbeak Possibly up to two pairs skulk along QB or in dense, second growth areas.  Often misidentified as Thick-billed Seedfinch.  Note: large chunky size, approximately 6½ inches.  Ptreferred habitat; dense thick growth near water.
Cynanocorax morio Brown Jay Moves through the general area every few days, in a loud and noisy troop of six to twelve birds.
Dacnis cayana Blue Dacnis Somewhat scarce, usually sighted several times montly.  Much more common when FT are in season.
Dacnis venusta Scarlet -thighed Dacnis This species wassure to show up.  A group of five; 2 males and 3 females were seen several times during the period.  Mainly a foothill species, they regularly move into the lowlands after breeding or perhapsseasonal movement in search of FTs.
Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae (Barred) Northern Barred-Woodcreeper Uses TR as a part of territory.  Seen or heard several times a week.
Dendrocygna autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Seen only at long intervals along RP or overhead.  Several sightings a year.
Dendroica pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler Common W resident.  At least a dozen birds winter in general area.  Note: cocked tail, yellow winged bars, slightly drooping wings.
Dendroica petechia Yellow Warbler Fairly common W resident throgughout the entire area.
Dives dives Melodious Blackbird This recent invader from the north has only present for four years in the Sarapiquí region.  Occacionally seen or heard along ER, near fincas, etc.  Note: loud whistles, pumps it´s tail constantly.  It will be interesting to see how well they establish.  Update- As 2003 they failed to colonize here.
Dryocopus lineatus Lineated Woodpecker Uses TR as a part of territory and is usually present at the same paint daily.  Call often.
Dumetella carolinensis Gray Catbird One birs was seen a couple of times along ER and FTs.  W resident in general area although slightlyscarce.  Will it return next year?
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron Commonly moves along RP.  Present throughout the day, mainly W.
Egretta thula Snow Egret A couple of pairs move daily along RP. Motly W.
Egretta tricolor Tricolored Heron Scarce here.  Fly byes in general area or along RP montly.
Elaenia flavogaster Yellow-bellied Elaenia Fairly common resident in tall brushy areas along ER and occasionally FE.  Note: strong wing bars and a crest with white in the middle.  Call is something like a starling.
Elanoides  Forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite Several fly-bys during this period, including a few small groups, which are most likely migrants, moving south.
Euphonia gouldi Olive-backed Euphonia Resident on TR; moves about throguhout the area.  Usually in a pair or family group seen daily.
Euphonia luteicapilla Yellow-crowned Euphonia Common resident by vocal , but usually high in canopy.  However, now visits FS daily.
Eurypyga helias Sunbittern Stalks along the riverbanks of PR and QB.  Judging by call and sight records, probably present daily or at least every few days or so.
Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon Hunts over the area at dawn and dusk.  Occasionally seen at other hours.  Present in area several times a week.
Florisuga mellivora White-necked Jacobin Several birds present when the large Inga trees, along the ER, were in bloom.  Most likelyseasonal use of FTs.
Galbula ruficauda Rufous-tailed Jacamar A resident pair call and hunt daily along Q, especially in the northwest end.
Geothlypis poliocephala Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Resident along ER and FE.  Early morning is the best bet along ER.
Geothlypis semiflava Olive-crowned Yelloethroat Much like the above, but a pair have been reliable at the intersection of FE and ER.
Glaucis Aenea Bronzy Hermit Fairly common resident on TR.  Seen throughout the day visiting Heliconia flowers.
Glyphorhynchus spirurus Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Possibly two pairs resident in the area.  Shows up at TR every few days or so.
Habia fuscicauda Red-throated Ant-Tanager  
Heliomaster longirostris Long-billed Starthroat Probable resident in the area.  Zeveral sigtings on TR.  Also in snags of large trees on opposite side of RP.
Heliothryx barroti Purple-crowned Fairy Resident in general area.  Can de seen zipping across TR, and often weekly along borders on ER.  Could possibly be somewhat seasonal.
Herpetotheres cachinnans Laughing Falcon Possibly up two pairs call daily, morning and dusk in second growth aeas on the east and west ends of TR.
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Fairly common W resident, mainly along ER area and especially over open fields, etc.
Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush W resident on TR and ER.  Somewhat shy, it likes open wet areas under trees or shrubs or up FTs.  Several birds usually present September through April, yeaty.
Hylophilus decurtatus Lesser Greenlet Resident on TR and ER.  Fairtycommon in mid-canopy, upper canopy or with mixed flocks.
Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole Fairty common W resident visits FS throghout the day.  Mostly female or immature males.
Icterus prosthemelas Black-cowled Oriole A couple of pairs or family reside in the area, but now appear at least daily at FS.
Icterus spurius Orchard Oriole W resident.  A couple of sightings weekly, mostly along FE or ER.  Uncommon in this region.
Ictinia mississippiensis Mississippi Kite An adult was seen flying over head along ER.  The date was Agust 10, kind of early, for this species migrants in September in large flocks.
Jacana spinosa Northern Jacana Rain had produced flooded condition along  ER and a large field had small puddies with several of these birds present.
Laterallus exilisLaterallus exilis Grey-breasted Crake One was flushed and stopped briefly before disappearing into  dense wet grass.  This species is fairly rare and local  in our area.  A real treat.  Seen along ER.
Legatus leucophaius Piratic Flycatcher Shows up sometimes in mid February.  A couple of pairs occupy the general area.  Sometimes are quite visible in snags or tree tops.
Lepidocolaptes souleyetii Streak-headed Woodcreeper At least two resident  pairs on TR and a little more  common than the Coco W. Note: lighter semi-curved bill, grizzled face and smaller size.
Leptotila cassinii Gray-chested Dove This chunky dove is present in shady areas on TR, foraging on the grpund usually in pairs.  Two to four pairs present daily on TR.
Lipaugus unirufus Rufous Piha One record, so far, next the restaurant in the galery treesalong the RP.  More data needed.
Lophornis helenae Black creasted coquette A sub adult or molting male was seen visiting a small flowering Inga tree along TR.  This species is mainly in the foothills where it is very uncommon and local; They are rarely seen in the low lands but do show up occasionally.
Lurocalis semitorquatus Short-tailed Nighthawk A pais seem to be residents on TR.  They call nightlybetween 5:30 and 6:15 pm. Then set out their nightly patrol.  Sometimes we spot them on their day roost, but they change it quite often and are hard to find during the day.  They are easy to spot at dusk and then again around 5:30 am.
Manacus candei White-collared Manekin Mostly females or inmature males  appear on TR at smaller FTs and large shrubs several  times weekly. They take their checks here.
Megarhynchus pitangua Boat-Billed Flycatcher Like Ps, a large bird and the billobviously thicker.  White on the nape does not meet. Calls is a woodpecker like rattle.  Resident on TR.
Melanerpes hoffmannii Hoffmann´s Woodpecker hembra y macho
Melanerpes pucherani Black-cheeked Woodpecker Common resident on TR and ER.  Visits FS throughout the day.
Mesembrinibis cayennensis Green Ibis Callshearon daily downstream along RP. Seldom on TR.
Mionectes oliagineus Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Can be found almost anywhere on TR; usally in thickets or small trees ans is present daily.  Note: Habitually flicks one wing at a  time.
Mitrospingus cassinii Dusky-faced Tanager A small troop uses TR as part of territory, but at least one bird has discovered FS and visits at least twice daily.  We hope the rest of the troop will follow. Now they will and are noisly easting FS. 
Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler E resident on TR and near QB.  Creeps on tree trucks, limbs, etc, like a Nuthatch.  Several birds present September through Abril, yearly.
Molothrus aeneus Bronzed Cowbird Fairly common along ER and FE.
Molothrus oryzivorus Giant Cowbird Uncommon.  Usually seen flying with flocks of Oropendola above TR or ER.
Mycteria americana Wood Stork An immature was seen high above TR, heading west in late March.  This species is a very rare wandereraway from the North Pacific coast.
Myiarchus crinitus Great Crested Flycatcher Two different birds seen the same day.  Probably ralates this species as M.  They were gone the next morning.  Someday we may have one as W.
Myiarchus tuberculifer Dusky-capped Flycatcher This species´common call is heard throguhout the day on TR in the canopy.  Up to  six birds reside in the general area all day.
Myiodynastesluteiventris Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher A "one dao" bird was seen on TR in mid March.  Probably M status.
Myiozetetes granadensis Gray-capped Flycatcher Medium sized, about 6 ¼.  Very dull and gray headed.  White extenders only of frontal eyesbrows.  Common on FE and often forages on TR.
Myiozetetes similis Social Flycatcher Medium sized, around 6 ¼, like C a, but duller with white  on nape  not extending.  Common in TR andER areas.  Note: small bill. Comal crest is vermilion in color.
Nyctanassa violacea Yellow-crowned Night Heron Rather scarce butsometimes is seen in sandbars along RP when law.
Nyctibius grandis Great Potoo Although probably heard the December before, many full moonlit nights revealed this bird´s presence, song and silhouette.  Probably uses TR as it moves across the trees, high in the canopy along the river in a nightly patrol.  Undetectableunless calling.
Nyctidromus albicollis Common Pauraque Common dawn and dusk call.  Easy to see at night on TR or FE.
Oporornis formosus Kentucky Warbler Another "oneday".  It could possible be WR someday.
Oporornis philadelphia Mourning Warbler Uncommon W resident.  Skulks in dense second growth usually along FE or ER.
Ortalis cinereiceps Gray-headed Chachalaca Heard calling in second grownt areas near east TR.  Seen in heard several times a week.
Oryzoborus funercus Thick-billed Seed-Finch Uncommon resident along ER.  Note: relavely small sized, abouth 4 ½ inches with a massive bill.  Habitat; tall grasses with widely scattered, small to medium trees.
Oryzoborus nuttingi Nicaraguan Seed- Finch (Pink-billed Seed- Finch often called "Nicaraguan Seed-Finch") Excitedly first recorded in July.  Three birds had remained resident along FE.  When in January, there was a mini invasion of Pink-bills, with up to twelve birds present for nearly four weeks.  Many of the local people who own properly in theterritory, had delayed chopping their lots for sometime and the entire area was full of large grasses in full seed.  In reality, this large Seed-Finch is becoming more common in northeastern Cosra Rica.
Pachyramphus cinnamomeus Cinnamon Becard A couple of pairs TR daily, especially along the trees bordering RP.
Pachyramphus polychopterus White-winged Becard Shows up unfrequently.  Usually along second growth  in trees along  QB and FE.
Pandion  haliaetus Osprey W resident.  Usually seen daily crusing along the river.
Panyptila cayennensis Lessse  Swallow-tailed Swift Checl groups of gray rumpsfor these slender, longer tailed Swifts.  Probably present daily.
Passer domesticus House Sparrow Fairly common resident along ER; where humans dwell, Increasing in abundance.
Patagioenas cayennensis Red- billed Pigeon Fairty common in small groups overhead or in trees over the TR region.  Note: whitebill with redfleshy base.
Patagioenas nigrirostris Short-billed Pigeon More shy and forest based than other pogeons and thus  seen much less commonly.  However, its call, "who-cooks-for-you" is often heard daily.
Phaeochroa cuvierii Scaly brested Hummuingbird Occasionaly frequents in TR and general area but becomes more common when FTs are in bloom.
Phaeothlypis fulvicauda Buff-rumped Warbler At least a couple of pairs reside along RP, QB and edges of TR.  Likes  river or stream adges.  Very vocal.
Phaethornia  longirostris Long-billed Hermit Several  sightings weekly.  More common in the peak of the bloomimg season, for Heliconias, April through August.
Phaethornia  supercilious Long- tailed Hermit ?
Phaethornia longuemareus Little Hermit ?
Phaethornis guy Green Hermit An adult male made a brief appearance on TR one rainy afternoon.  Rainy weather may have forced it down out the foothills, where they´re fairly common.
Phaetornia strigularis Stripe-throated Hermit Like above, but more shy.  Patrols denser areas and visits smaller flowers.  Probably resident.
Phalacrocorax brasilianus Neo-Tropical Cormorant Flies up and down RP.  Seen every couple of days.
Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak W resident.  Present as a small group and uses dense, second growth areas, off and on several times a week, along FE or ET.
Piaya cayana Squirrel Cuckoo This medium sized, long tailed bird is usually seen gliding from tree to tree or hopping squirrel-like through the mind-canopy.  Present in the areaand on TR daily.
Piculus simplex Rufous-winged Woodpecker A pair work the treesalong RP and seem to be semi-resident.  Pribably present daily but somewhat inconspicuous.
Pionopsitta haematotis Brown-hooded Parrot Less common than white-crowned, this medium sized parrot can be fairly common with FT.  Mainly TR and FE area.  Note: deep wing beats.
Pionus senilis White- crowned Parrot Fairly common in large groups overheads and on TR.  Note: medium sized, deep wing beats.
Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager First birds were seen Abril 3 with several through the period.  All were green birds  with blackish wings.
Piranga rubra Summer Tanager Occurs as W resident; up to five birds use TR and general area daily.
Pitangus sulphuratus Great Kiskadee Very common at FS. Large in size, approximately 9". With rich rufous wings.  White extends all the way across the nape.  Call sounds like it´s name, "kiskadee".
Podylimbus podiceps Pied-billed-Grebe One seen quite regularly from January - late March on RP.
Polioptila plumbea Tropical Gnatcatcher Fairly common resident in general area.  Moves through upper canopy and mid-canopy often joining mixed feeding flocks.
Porphyrio martinica Purple Gallinule A pair was seen outside the dense grass and tall weeds along ER near the Río Isla Grande.  They probably were resident all along and were just overlooked.
Progne chalybea Gray-breasted Martin Usually present in small foraging flocks overhead along ER or over TR.  Seen several times weekly.
Protonotaria citrea Prothonotary Warbler Rare W resident seen in thick, usually moist, overgrown areas on TR or ER.  One record in 1999.
Psarocolius montezuma Montezuma Oropendula Common and conspicuous over TR and the entire area.  Usually in garge feeding groups and occasionally visits FS. 
Psarocolius wagleri Chestnut-headed Oropendula Shows up sporadically, maily as DS.  However, there are afew resident group in the overall area.
Pteroglossus torquatus Collared Aracari Present daily on TR.  Also generally visits RS daily.  Usually present in a small troop.
Pulsatrix perspicillata Spectacled Owl A resident pair roots near TR.  Calls and hunts near TR every night.  Vocalbetween 9 pm. and 6 am.  Has fledged young on TR several times.
Quiscalus mexicanus Great-tailed Grackle Common resident along ER and human areas.
Ramphastos sulfuratus Keel-billed Toucan Several pairs present in general area and can seen or heard daily.  Visits FS on TR.
Ramphastos swainsonii Chestnut-mandibled Toucan Generally, like above, fairly common.
Ramphocanus melanurus Long-billed Gnatwren  
Ramphocelus passerinii Passerini´s Tanager (scarlet-rumped).  Common low growthresident of TR.  Small groups or pairs visit FS all day.
Ramphocelus sanguinolentus Crimson-collared Tanager It appears there is two resident pairs that move widely through the territory.  However, they have found Fson TR and now can be daily visitors.
Rhytipterna holerythra Rufous Mourner A pair were seen several times hunting in tall second growth on the edge of IH.  Maybe they will become residents.
Saltator atriceps Black headed Saltator A couple of family groups occupy the general area and can be seen or heard daily.
Saltator coerulescens Grayish Saltator Definitely resident along ER and FE, but somewhat uncommon.  Seen every  couple of days.  A little shy.
Saltator maximus Buff-throated Saltator Fairly common on TR and near by area.  Makes several appearances  daily at FS.
Sarcoramphus papa King Vulture Seen montly, usually in large vulture flocks high overhrad.  Seen occasionally alone.
Seiurus noveboracensis Northern-Waterthrush Several birdspresent as W resident.  Usually along FE and ER.  Usually along QB or in shady, moist areas on TR.
Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart  
Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-billied Sapsucker A real surprise, an inmmature was seen a couple of times January - February on TR.  This species is usually found more up slope and even there is a rare winter resident.
Sporophila americana Variable Seedeater Very common along ER and FE; occasionally TR.  Note: small size, 4 inches, flat black color and small curved parrot-like bill.  Males show small white check on wing.  Females are plain brown.
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Southern Rough-winged Swallow Very common over all habitats of TR and ER.  Note: buff colored rump.
Streptoprocne zonaris White-collared Swift Large groups of these huge Swifts move the area daily.  Can be very hugh up or as lowas tree-top level.
Synallaxis brachyura Slaty Spinetail A resident pair just outside the bridge, along FE, calls in forages in dense brush.  Can be seen daily, although quite shy.
Tachycineta albilinea Mangrove Swallow Flies up and down RP all day and in good numers.  Note: white rump, greenish upper body.
Tachyphonus luctuosus White-shouldered Tanager Appears montly, sporadically as it moves through, usually along RP in the gallery trees.
Tachyphonus rufus White-lined Tanager Seen along ER and FE daily.  Now visits FS.
Tangara gyrola Bay-headed Tanager Occurs only as DS.  Two sightings to date.
Tangara icterocephala Silver-throated Tanager Like above.  But much more common when cold up slope condotions occur.
Tangara inornata Plain-colored Tanager Moves through TR a few times a week in mid canopy.  Usually in small groups of 2 to 6.  Note: small size, even plain brown coloring, blue wing patch is seldom visible.  Most often with mixed Tanager flocks.
Tangara larvata Golden- hooded Tanager Several pairs or gropus use TR usually mid canopy.  Visits FS at least once daily.  Note: The Costa Rican name for this bird is seven colored tanager.  Spectacular.
Tapera neivia Striped Cuckoo Several pairs occupy areas along ER and cross the river.  When vocalizing, very present andeasy to detect.  Otherwise, almost invisible.
Taraba mayor Great Antshrike There appears to be a resident  pair in the northwest corner of HI.  Seen  or heard nearby daily.
Thalurania colombica Violet-crowned Woodnymph Many records of male and female sightings during this period, but seemingly scarce during other timesv of the year.  Perhapspost breeding dispersonal at work.
Thamnophilus doliatus Barred Antshrike At least two pairs live into TR.  Calls daily in morning hours.  Somewhat secreative, but vocal.
Thraupis episcopus Blue-gray Tanager Very common in all habitats.  Visits FS throughout the day.
Thraupis palmarum Palm Tanager Like T e , very common.  Up to a dozen visit FS at one time.
Threnetes ruckeri Band-tailed Barbthroat Seen daily, in smaller numbers, also visiting Heliconia flowers.
Thryothorus atrogularis Black-throated Wren Another long expected species that would  show up here.  A pair was busily working along QB and FE during this period.  However, lack of vocals early in the yard and before that raise a question, new resindent or wondering pair?
Thryothorus modestus Plain Wren Haunts dense second growth along ER and FE.  Several pairs present daily, but quite secretive.
Thryothorus nigricapillus Bay Wren At least two pairs move through TR daily.  Probing heliconia flowers, working plants to plant.  Very vocal.
Thrythonus thoracicus Stripe-brested Wren A pair have long been calling on the outside edge of the territory along the Río Isla Grande.  It now appearsthat they are residents and we are including them in the list.
Tigrisoma mexicanum Bare-Throated Tiger Heron A few sightings monthly along RP. Or calls more commontly at down.
Tityra inquisitor Black-crowned Tityra Abundance depends on FTs; then can be fairly common.  Seen a couple  of times weekly.
Tityra semifasciata Masked Tityra Very nomadic  in search of FTs.  Usually present on TR or in general area daily.  Watch groups of thesefor Snowy cotinga.
Todirostrum cinereum Common Tody-Flycatcher Resident of TR and general area.  Moves quietly throug small trees and shrubs and is usually seen daily.
Tolmomyias sulphurescens Yellow-olive Flycatcher,  At least one resident pair moves widely throughout the area.  Usually along FE or in  small trees on TR.  Present several times weekly.
Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper One bird present along the ER, forging all day arounda weed linedshallow pond.  Seen daily December-March.  Maybeit will winter again next year.
Troglodytes aedon Southern House Wren This common small brown Wren likes buildings, deads trees, etc.  Present throughout the general area.
Trogon massena Slaty-tailed Trogon Somewhat  shy, but likely present weekly in thicker areas along QB or trees along RP.
Trogon voilaceus Violaceous Trogon Generally present in the area, daily moving in the  search of FTs.  Often vocals are easily heard on TR.
Turdus grayi Clay colored Robin Very common.  Visits FS all day.  It´s beautiful call which is heard at down and dush, have made it the national bird of Costa Rica.
Tyrannus melancholicus Tropical Kingbird Common in all habitats on and near TR.
Veniliornis fumigatus Smoky-brown Woodpecker Expected to show up eventually, and they did.  A pair was very present during this period on TR and final entrance road FE. We are hoping they will set up camp and nest.
Vermivora chrysoptera Golden-winged Warbler Somewhat uncommon W resident.  Usually in mixed flocks along ER or FE and sometimes mid-conopy in TR.
Vermivora peregrina Tennessee Warbler Fairly common W resident, mainly near FE, ER and often in dansa second growth or in mid-canopy with mixed flocks.
Vireo flavifrons Yellow-throated Vireo Fairty common W resident on TR and ER.  Likes to move quietly, tree to tree and often with mixed feeding flocks.
Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo Started showing up in good numbers around March 17ᵗꭜ.  Definitely M status.
Volatinia jacarina Blue-black Grassquit Common along ER and FE.  Seldom on TR.  Note: very small size, glossy, black plumage.  Small and pointed bill.  Females are the only seed eaterswith streaked breast.
Xiphorhynchus susurrans (Buff-throated) Cocoa Woodcreeper A resident pair on TR calls at down and throguhout the day.  Note: heavy bi-colored bill, large size.
Zimmerius vilissimus Paltry Tyrannulet This fairly common, small Flycatcher is usually present foraging in small treesand shrubs on TR.  Note: tiny bill.  No wing bars, but conspicuous wing margens.  Usually forages with tail slightly cocked upward.
  White-Throated Crake This species´s call is very commonly is heard in weedy second growth areas along FE, but is very heard to see.  However, it often crosses open areas along the roads, early at dawn.
  The yellow- breasted Flycatcher The following five ae very similar species of Flycatchers, wich occupy TR and the general area.  Here I try further to help with the identification.
  July - Agugust 2001  
  Slate-headed Todyflycatcher At least one pair occupies the area ofsuper dense second growth along ER and FE.  Seldom seen and usually recorded only by vocals.
  December-February 2002  
  March - April 2003  
  Contopus Wood-Pewee Species Another "one day" bird, was not calling, so we leave it to species status.  It was probably Eastern, as the Western generally migrates at higher elevation. M.
  July - September 2003  
  Fasciated Antshrike An adult female was seen feeding a fledging male whiie the adult male was calling near by, along the ER.  This species was always possible here.  I heard it call, at the leas to the beginning of September.  It´s hard to say if resident or not.  Time will tell.

* Please note that the English bird names on this site follow the American terminology. If you can't find a species name, try searching by Family or latin name.
Status key: B = breeding species; RB - rare breeding; W = winter only; V - vagrant; RV = rare vagrant; TM - trans-migrant; In - introduced

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